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100. Yıl Bulvarı No: 101/A Ostim / Yenimahalle / ANKARA / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 312 385 5090
Hall: 2
Stand: 201/B
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OSTIM DEFENSE AND AVIATION CLUSTER (OSSA) - A SECTORAL COLLABORATION AND GROWTH OSSA was established on July 1, 2008 under the leadership of OSTİM. OSSA has more than 290 member companies from Ankara, Balıkesir, Bursa, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Mersin, and nearly 10000 employees and over 50 areas of activity. For land, air and naval platforms; R&D / design, software, composite manufacturing, electronics, electromechanics, harness, machining, sheet metal forming, surface development, test / calibration, coating / painting, optical systems, hydraulic systems, machinery / equipment manufacturing, unmanned systems and many final products and the production of subsystems are among the capabilities and competencies of our members. OSSA, within the framework of cooperation, collaboration, and competition to increase the competitive level of member companies, creates a significant synergies for encouraging in the fields of R&D, innovation, finding new markets, encouraging for international cooperation, providing competitive advantage, adapting to developing technology (digitalization), creating value, improving of corporateness and quality systems, specialization, creating a roadmap and domestic and national production. OSSA continues its activities such as creating strategies specific to SMEs, organizing events to gain competitive advantages in Turkey and abroad, organizing delegation visits, domestic and international promotion, representation and marketing activities, press and public relations, technology transfer and joint projects within the scope of university-industry cooperation. INCREASING COMMUNICATION AND COOPERATION BETWEEN PROCUREMENT AUTHORITIES AND MEMBER COMPANIES To increases cooperation and communication, OSSA brings SMEs within the scope of sharing information about their capabilities, suggestions and problems with many institutions such as Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Presidency of Defence Industries, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Industry and Technology, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Interior, Force Commands, General Directorate of Security, Gendarmerie General Command, MND General Directorate of Military Factories, MND General Directorate of Shipyards, Municipalities, General Directorate Of State Airports Authority, DGCA, ASFAT A.Ş., Technoparks, Universities, TÜBİTAK, Ankara Development Agency, KOSGEB, State Supply Office, Military / Commercial Attachés and many contractor companies such as Aselsan, BMC, BMC Power, FNSS, Havelsan, Katmerciler, MKEK, Nurol Makina Otokar, Roketsan, Turkish Aerospace, TR Motor and Tübitak SAGE. PROMOTION, REPRESENTATION & MARKETING ACTIVITIES ABROAD Bronze Label certificate, recognized by the European Commission as the registration of cluster management excellence, and our cooperation protocols with sectoral clusters and institutions (Mexico - FEMIA, Russia - Aerospace Cluster of the Samara Region, Pakistan - Supreme Tecnocrafts, Ma
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